Music Venues….
If you’re looking for a show, these bars and restaurants offer up some of the best live music and entertainment in town – everything from headline artists and bands, open mic nights with local talent, and good old kareoke nights
Pappy and Harriet’s
Located in the ramshackle-looking, not-really-a-town Pioneertown, Pappy and Harriet’s is a four-mile drive away from Joshua Tree on a dark, winding road, but it’s worth every poorly lit turn: the bar has a killer vibe, thanks to a music booker who gets Coachella-bound artists like Bright Eyes and Queens of the Stone Age to play their tiny stages, and a sick food menu that includes killer burgers and steaks.
Giant Rock Meeting Room
Located in Flamingo Heights just North of Yucca Valley, GRMR is THE haunt for high desert locals hosting pop up events, concerts with local bands and artists, Wednesday Night Kareoke, morning Yoga classes and more. We love this place not only for the delicous in house pizzas and great cocktails, but also for it’s homey vibe that stays true to it’s small town roots.
Joshua Tree Saloon
Known as “The Gateway to Joshua Tree”, this pool table-abetted barstaurant is inches from the entrance to the actual park, and is usually stuffed with locals and tourists who both come out for karaoke on Thursdays and Fridays, live bands on Saturdays, open mics on Tuesdays, and steaks charbroiled by a guy named Irv every day of the week.
Joshua Tree Music Festival
“Desert is Freedom. Music is Power. Community is Crucial”
It would be impossible to discuss music in Joshua Tree without mentioning the beloved jewel that is Joshua Tree Music Festival. For over 20 years this 4 day fest has brought together some of the most amazing talent in the desert and from around the world. It’s not just the music that has people coming back year and year. It’s the community and shared love for this magical place that makes this twice a year event so special. If you are planning to visit us in May or October, JTMF is not to be missed!