Art Galleries, Exhibitions and Sculptures
JT is a haven for creative expression, you can find some of the weirdest and wildest art out here – or is it genius? From Noah Purifoy (the grandfather of obtanium), Andrea Zittell Bev Dolittle, Calder Crisis, Carl Rice, Jenny Kane, Diane Best and so many more. In fact, there are so many artists in JT that our little community of less than 12,000 people boasts 5 art galleries and numerous art tours and art walks. Here’s some of our favorites to check out.

Located just 3 miles east of the renound Noah Purifoy Desert Art Museum is the thought provoking “Transmission”, overlooking the expansive Mojave Desert below her.
Simi Dabah Sculpture Foundation (photo left)
Through the sale of sculptures, the Simi Dabah Sculpture Foundation is able to maintain the sculpture gallery and donation program, and, in addition, provide funds to qualified nonprofit organizations in their fundraising efforts. The 8.5 acre sculpture garden is open for anyone to visit and peruse through the hundreds of pieces, ranging in size of 6 inches to 32 feet tall.